Currently, this group is a women's group, but as the organization grows, I would love to have faith-based support groups for men as well. We typically meet twice a month, and we discuss our faith and how abuse has affected our faith. We do work through several different books to help us navigate our faith and trauma. Community with others is important for healing and these groups give such great support for our women who are struggling in the aftermath of what they went through. This group is already running and if you are interested please let us know.
This group is for mothers and teenage daughters where we will discuss issues related to women and girls, and the Bible, while we enjoy snacks and tea. In this group, we discuss what the Bible really has to say about women's roles in the church, and relationships, and to help girls find the confidence to lead, set healthy boundaries, and discuss their faith openly. I want all these women and girls to leave with the understanding that we are God's daughters, we are loved, no one determines our worth but God, and God calls women to serve too!
We want to help our community churches understand the dynamics of abuse, send individuals to us that may need support, and create congregations that protect our survivors from revictimization. A church should be a safe haven for the brokenhearted and to make sure our churches feel welcoming we need to educate the leadership about the dynamics of domestic violence and abuse, it is not just physical abuse, there is more to it than that.
There are so many terrific books for Christians and for survivors. I have a large list of books to dig into and I know there are many of you out there that would love the opportunity to read and discuss these books so I thought why not have a group specifically to read books together and grow in knowledge. This group will be open to everyone to help build a community of understanding.
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